The XD Multi-Awn Adaptor is engineered to extend the number of roof rack mounted 180°, 270° and 360° wing-style awnings that can be attached to the Racksbrax XD Hitch.
This XD Multi-Awn Adaptor accommodates awnings with spine spacings that fall outside the usual 100-120mm centres that the XD Hitch would usually otherwise suit.
Typical mount point spacings covered by the XD Multi-Awn Adaptor are 135mm (30 Second awning), 150mm and some awnings that have 4 attachment points such as the Bushwakka® range and the SUPA PEG 270 Outbound Shield 6.
Note that awnings MUST NOT have mounting point spacings less than 65mm.
XD Multi-Awn Adaptors come in double and triple sets. Refer to the for the appropriate number of Hitches (and matching number of Adaptors) and .
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