The HD Adjustable Brackets (8304, 8305, 8306, 8307) is part of our RacksBrax HD range.
This product is compatible across our .
The RacksBrax HD Adjustable Brackets (HD AB 0-15) have been designed for the RacksBrax HD Hitch to provide a height adjustable bracket that can be set to vertical (typical setting for an awning) and also 15° off vertical for recovery boards. .
The height adjustment on the bracket allows an adjustment range of 50mm (in 12.5mm increments) in the vertical plane and a range of 50 mm (in 12.5mm increments) in the 15° off vertical plane.
Adjustable Brackets adjust the height of the bracket (and accessory) to allow the top of the bracket (and accessory) to be set as low as possible without the accessory interfering with door openings (thus reducing headroom to the minimum possible).
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